Sep, 2024

Paper presentation

Presentation at ECCV 2024 - 2nd Workshop on Vision-Centric Autonomous Driving (VCAD)
High-impact stereo datasets have systematic errors!

30-09-2024 from 8:00am to 1:00pm at MiCo Milano

Vertical disparities dy for a rectified stereo image with suboptimal camera calibration
Aug, 2024

Paper publication:
J Kang, L Chen, C Heipke: "EnhancedNet, an End-to-End Network for Dense Disparity Estimation and its Application to Aerial Images" PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, Springer 2024

Jun, 2024

Paper presentation:
"LAformer: Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Lane-Aware Scene Constraints" presented at CVPR workshop

Mar, 2024

We're Partner of KIWI

Jan, 2024

InFusion Demo

Final Demonstration
  • 16.01.24, 10h – 16h
  • Erich-Reinecke-Testbahn Contistraße 1, 29323 Wietze
Nov, 2023

Paper publication

GATraj: A graph- and attention-based multi-agent trajectory prediction model published at
Okt, 2023

Paper presentation

Presentation at ICCV 2023 BRAVO Workshop
03-10-2023, Poster Session #1: 10:30 - 11:15 @room E05
Sep, 2023

RoadSC Demonstration Video Published

Aug, 2023

Paper accepted at ICCV Workshop BRAVO: roBustness and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles in the Open-world

New dataset and evaluation baseline for Road Snow Coverage Estimation:
  • K. Cordes, H. Broszio: "Camera-Based Road Snow Coverage Estimation", ICCV BRAVO Workshop, Okt. 2023
Jul, 2023

New Research Project

"Digitale Planung und automatisierte Produktion von Gebäude-integrierter Photovoltaik" 

  • 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2026
  • Teilvorhaben: Erfassung, Digitalisierung, Klassifizierung und Strukturierung von Gebäudeoberflächen
Jun, 2023

VISCODA successfully passed TISAX certification

  • TISAX® Scope-ID S1L4TX
  • ACAR – TISAX Specification of Assessment Version 2.1
Mar, 2023

New Research Project:

"Automatisiertes Green-ML anhand des Anwendungsbeispiels Fahrerassistenzsysteme"  -
"Automated Green-ML with Application to Driver Assistance Systems"

Jan, 2023

IWAn Demonstration Video Published

New demonstration video showing our semi-automatic toolchain for 2D and 3D annotation of video data (IWAn project).
Sep, 2022
Paper preprint:
"GATraj: A Graph- and Attention-based Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction Model"

  • Cooperated with researchers from Leibniz University Hannover and University of Twente
  • Deliver high quality near-realtime trajectory prediction for traffic participants
  • Paper is accessible here: 
Sep, 2022

Paper Presentation at IEEE ITSC 2022:
"Micro Maneuvers: Obstacle Detection for Standing Vehicles using Monocular Camera"

Jun, 2022

Paper accepted at
the 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

VISCODA presents Micro Maneuvers for geometric 3D scene reconstruction and obstacle detection
Jun, 2022

Paper Presentation

Presentation at CVPR 2022: Workshop on Autonomous Driving
"RoadSaW: A Large-Scale Dataset for Camera-Based Road Surface and Wetness Estimation"

camera view
Apr, 2022

KI Themenwoche 27.04.2022

KI related research topics are presented at L3S of the Leibniz Universität Hannover, organized by L3S.
VISCODA demonstrates Kamerabasierte Schätzung des Fahrbahnzustandes (InFusion project) and Kamerabasierte Bewegungsanalyse aller Verkehrsteilnehmer (KaBa project). Both projects target the use case automated driving.


Press release

Apr, 2022

Paper accepted at CVPR Workshop on Autonomous Driving

We present a new dataset and the evaluation baseline for Road Surface and Wetness Estimation: RoadSaW
  • K. Cordes, C. Reinders, P. Hindricks, J. Lammers, B. Rosenhahn, H. Broszio: "RoadSaW: A Large-Scale Dataset for Camera-Based Road Surface and Wetness Estimation", CVPR Workshop on Autonomous Driving, 2022
Feb, 2022

Ident demonstration video published

"Identifikation dynamik- und sicherheitsrelevanter Trailerzustände for automatisiert fahrende Lastkraftwagen" (Identification of dynamic and safety-relevant trailer conditions for automated trucks)
Nov, 2021

Invited Talk at IPI (Graduiertenkolleg i.c.sens)

11.11.2021: "Camera-based Vehicle Localization for Automated Lane Merge Coordination", K. Cordes, VISCODA GmbH
Nov, 2021

VISCODA GmbH nominated for ZF Supplier Innovation Award

09.11.2021: VISCODA GmbH is one of the Top 3: ZF "Supplier Innovation Award", Category "Integrated Safety"
Sep, 2021

IdenT Meeting Organized in Hannover

Together with the Institute of Mechatronic System (imes), VISCODA hosts the 4th IdenT project meeting (Konsortialtreffen) in Hannover for our IdenT collaborators from BPW, Fraunhofer LBF, Fraunhofer ITWM, Industrial Science, and OKIT.
May, 2021

New Research Project:

"Kamerabasierte Bewegungsanalyse aller Verkehrsteilnehmer für automatisiertes Fahren"

  • 01.05.2021 - 31.06.2022
  • VISCODA develops machine learning based semantic segmentation in cooperation with the Institut für Informationsveratbeitung (TNT), the Home of Machine Learning at LUH
  • The targeted applications have a strong focus on automated driving
April, 2021

Book published:

Jan, 2021

Paper presentation: "Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark"

Jan, 2021

New Research Project:

"Entwicklung interaktiver Werkzeuge zur automatisierten 2D/3D-Annotation"

  • 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022
  • VISCODA develops automatic and semi-automatic methods for the generation of large scale data sets targeting machine learning in the fields computer vision and automated driving
Nov, 2020

Test data aquisition on ZF test track in Jeversen [InFusion project]

Large scale data recording using stereo cameras for the vision-based estimation of the road condition on trucks and cars. The test track provides various road surfaces and simulated weather conditions.
Oct, 2020

Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark

Paper accepted at: IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
  • K. Cordes and H. Broszio: "Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark",
    International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), IEEE, Jan. 2021

June, 2020

Research Project KickOff - InFusion: Cloud-Anwendung für zeitlich veränderliche Fahrbahnzustandsinformationen für verschiedene Fahrzeugklassen basierend auf fusionierten Fahrzeugdaten von Fahrzeugen verschiedener Klassen (LKW/PKW)

VISCODA develops the detection, localization, and classification of road conditions in real-time from the in-vehicle front camera. The results are fused with information from other sensors (such as vibroacoustic, meteorologic, or traction control responses) for the estimation of vehicle specific road friction. A cloud based service increases traffic safety and efficiency for driving assistance and automated driving applications.

The research project is supported by the Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur.


May, 2020

Paper published in JSAN (Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks),
Special Issue: Wireless Technologies Applied to Connected and Automated Vehicles

"On the Needs and Requirements Arising from Connected and Automated Driving", JSAN, Vol. 9, Issue 2
OpenAccess: abstract, html,

Feb, 2020

Research Project KickOff - IdenT: Identifikation dynamik- und sicherheitsrelevanter Trailerzustände für automatisiert fahrende Lastkraftwagen

VISCODA develops highly accurate visual odometry and the geometrically reconstructed scene for the estimation of the dynamic properties of a truck and its trailer. The goal of IdenT is an intelligent trailer sensor network and a cloud-based data platform for reliable real-time estimation of the state of trailer components crucial for automated driving applications.

 The research project is supported by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie.

Dec, 2019

Presentation at 55. Working Group of Initiative Bildverarbeitung e. V. at TNT

Hellward Broszio gives an overview of the activities of the VISCODA GmbH at the 55. working group (55. Arbeitskreis) of the Initiative Bildverarbeitung e. V. ("Inititative Image Processing, registered association").

Nov, 2019

Presentation at ICCVE 2019 Conference

"Accuracy Evaluation of Camera-based Vehicle Localization" paper:
VISCODA presents the developed multiple object tracker together with an evaluation of its accuracy for vehicles observed by a multi camera system at ICCVE 2019 (International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo).



Sep, 2019

5GCAR Report 'The 5GCAR Demonstrations'

5GCAR report 'The 5GCAR Demonstrations' publicly available.
The report includes the use cases Lane Merge Coordination, See-Through Sensor Sharing, Long Range Sensor Sharing, and Vulnerable Road User Protection as shown in the Final Demonstrations at the UTAC CERAM TEQMO test track in Linas near Paris.

Aug, 2019

Paper accepted at: IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE), Nov. 2019

K. Cordes, N. Nolte, N. Meine, and H. Broszio: "Accuracy Evaluation of Camera-based Vehicle Localization"


June, 2019

5GCAR Demonstrations

Final demonstrations of all use cases developed in Work Package 5 of 5GCAR at the UTAC CERAM TEQMO test track in Linas near Paris


Apr, 2019

EuCNC 2019 Conference

"Use Case Representations of Connected and Automated Driving" showcasing the use cases of the 5GCAR project accepted for poster presentation at EuCNC 2019

Feb, 2019

5GCAR Integration Tests at UTAC

Integration tests including the Lane Merge Coordination demonstration at the UTAC CERAM TEQMO test track in Linas near Paris:

Feb, 2019

MWC 2019

5GCAR will participate in Mobile World Concgress 2019 at the Mobile World Capital stand in Congress Square (CS-40) in Barcelona, February 25-28, 2019.

Dec, 2018

VISAPP 2019 Conference

Multi Camera Calibration paper accepted:

In "Constrained Multi Camera Calibration for Lane Merge Observation",
we demonstrate our calibration procedure targeting the highly accurate localization of vehicles in the lane merge scenario (H2020: 5GCAR Project).

Aug, 30, 2018


VISCODA is developing in a funded cooperation project an innovative application for 3D reconstruction of the vehicle environment using monocular cameras.

VISCODA enwickelt in einem geförderten Kooperationsprojekt ein innovatives Verfahren für die 3D Rekonstruktion des Fahrzeugumfeldes mit monokularen Kameras.

Aug, 20, 2018

5GCAR Report 'Demonstration Guidelines'

5GCAR report 'Demonstration Guidelines' publicly available.
It includes our demo scenario in which cars are detected, accurately localized, and tracked using a surveillance camera system.
This data is used for the orchestration of the lane merge (e.g. incoming car merges into the traffic on a highway)


April, 26, 2018


VISCODA supports "Zukunftstag für Mädchen und Jungen".

See related:

Feb, 25-28, 2018 

MWC 2018 Demonstration

VISCODA demonstrates video-based tracking of vehicles on MWC 2018 (Barcelona), together with our 5GCAR project partners CTTC, Ericsson, Huawei, and KCL.

See related:

Aug, 22-24, 2017

CAIP 2017 Conference

Paper presentation at CAIP 2017 conference in research area: Motion Segmentation using Hypergraphs

June, 6, 2017


VISCODA develops 5G-based connected car Technologies as a member of the EU-funded 5GCAR consortium led by Ericsson

See related:

